Text Link

Underlined text that indicates interactivity.

Usage recommendations
Recommended Not Recommended
Context Matters: Make sure the link text describes its destination or purpose clearly. Vague text like "Click here" should be avoided. No JS Triggers: Do not use links for triggering JavaScript actions like opening modals; it's semantically incorrect. Use buttons or other appropriate elements for such interactions.
Local vs External: Clearly distinguish between links that lead to other parts of the same website and those that lead to external sites. Avoid Surprises: Ensure the link does what it promises. Don't direct users to unrelated content or make them download a file without a clear indication.
Progressive Disclosure: Use links to guide the user to more detailed information, effectively organizing content without overwhelming them. Don't Overlink: Avoid turning every other word in a paragraph into a hyperlink. It makes the text difficult to read and diminishes the impact of your links.
Twig Usage
{% include '@bolt-elements-text-link/text-link.twig' with {
  content: 'This is a text link',
  attributes: {
    href: 'https://google.com'
} only %}
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.

content *

Content of the text link.


Append an icon before the text. Icon element is recommended. However, <img> elements are also acceptable.


Append an icon after the text. Icon element is recommended. However, <img> elements are also acceptable.


Set the underline style to appear on hover instead of being always visible.

boolean false

Expand the click target to cover up the entire area of its closest container that is not positioned static.

boolean false
Install Install
npm install @bolt/elements-text-link
Dependencies @bolt/core @bolt/elements-icon