Type Hierarchy Hierarchy defines specific recipes of typographic styles that create visual hierarchy amongst type elements.
Important Notes: As mentioned before, tag controls semantics while hierarchy controls visual styles. Using bold text is not the same as using headline hierarchy. Headline, subheadline, and eyebrow have specific typographic styles—color, spacing, and font—that differentiate them from basic text. Using <strong> in tandem with subheadline hierarchy will create the same styles as headline hierarchy. This flexibility allows content authors to create mixed-weight headlines. Eyebrow has one size only, because its main purpose is to be short complimentary info above the headline. Due to eyebrow text set to uppercase by design, it is recommended to set aria-label with the proper case to improve accessibility. When setting size and hierarchy for a particular pair of headline and subheadline (or body text), make sure to set the headline at least one size larger than subheadline to create the visual hierarchy.
Demo Teaser Text Group


Headline (size xxxlarge and h1)

Subheadline (size xlarge and h2)

Body text (basic type element).

Mixed-weight Headlines

This entire sentence is a subheadline but part of it is bold


This is size auto headline

This is size tiny headline

This is size xsmall headline

This is size small headline

This is size regular headline

This is size medium headline

This is size large headline

This is size xlarge headline

This is size xxlarge headline

This is size xxxlarge headline

This is size display headline

This is size largedisplay headline


This is size auto subheadline

This is size tiny subheadline

This is size xsmall subheadline

This is size small subheadline

This is size regular subheadline

This is size medium subheadline

This is size large subheadline

This is size xlarge subheadline

This is size xxlarge subheadline

This is size xxxlarge subheadline

This is size display subheadline

This is size largedisplay subheadline


This is an eyebrow


This is size auto body text

This is size tiny body text

This is size xsmall body text

This is size small body text

This is size regular body text

This is size medium body text

This is size large body text

This is size xlarge body text

This is size xxlarge body text

This is size xxxlarge body text

This is size display body text

This is size largedisplay body text

{# Teaser Text Group #}
{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'Eyebrow',
  hierarchy: 'eyebrow',
  attributes: {
    'aria-label': 'Eyebrow',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'Headline (size xxxlarge and h1)',
  hierarchy: 'headline',
  tag: 'h1',
  size: 'xxxlarge',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'Subheadline (size xlarge and h2)',
  hierarchy: 'subheadline',
  tag: 'h2',
  size: 'xlarge',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'Paragraph (basic type element).',
} only %}

{# Mixed-weight Headlines #}
{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'This entire sentence is a subheadline <strong>but part of it is bold</strong>',
  hierarchy: 'subheadline',
  tag: 'h1',
  size: 'xxxlarge',
} only %}
<!-- Teaser Text Group -->
<p class="e-bolt-type e-bolt-type--eyebrow" aria-label="Eyebrow">
<h1 class="e-bolt-type e-bolt-type--headline e-bolt-type--size-xxxlarge">
  Headline (size xxxlarge and h1)
<h2 class="e-bolt-type e-bolt-type--subheadline e-bolt-type--xlarge">
  Subheadline (size xlarge and h2)
<p class="e-bolt-type">
  Paragraph (basic type element).

<!-- Mixed-weight Headlines -->
<h1 class="e-bolt-type e-bolt-type--subheadline e-bolt-type--size-xxxlarge">
  This entire sentence is a subheadline <strong>but part of it is bold</strong>