Lora Type The type element displays the alternative Lora font family.
Important Notes: The font family of a type element can be adjusted by adding the class e-bolt-type--lora The Lora font does not support Extra Bold (font-weight: 800) or Light (font-weight: 300) font weights

Lora/Open Sans Comparison.

This is a type headline with the Open Sans.

This is a type headline with the Lora.

Lora Weights and Styles.

This Lora font is bold.

This Lora font is bold and italicized.

This Lora font is semibold.

This Lora font is semibold and italicized.

This Lora font is regular.

This Lora font is regular and italicized.

{% include '@bolt-elements-type/type.twig' with {
  content: 'This is a type element with the Lora font family.',
  attributes: {
    'class': 'e-bolt-type--lora'
} only %}
<p class="e-bolt-type e-bolt-type--lora">This is a type element with the Lora font family.</p>