Wrapper A wrapper provides a max-width for any content passed into it. It has no semantic meaning on its own.
Important Notes: The wrapper has a default max-width of 1400px. If you need a different maximum width specified, use the attributes prop and with inline styling. This element automatically adjusts to the device width. Content or visual elements contained within this element will not overflow past the max width.

An example of a text added inside the wrapper.

Chicken bacon doner pancetta pork corned beef, swine jowl burgdoggen pastrami buffalo beef ribs shankle. Turducken pork porchetta shankle, salami short ribs corned beef. Short ribs turkey burgdoggen, fatback jerky chuck landjaeger corned beef pork t-bone jowl hamburger brisket strip steak. Tenderloin cow bacon cupim t-bone short ribs swine biltong beef ribs capicola sausage beef. Chicken bacon doner pancetta pork corned beef, swine jowl burgdoggen pastrami buffalo beef ribs shankle. Turducken pork porchetta shankle, salami short ribs corned beef. Short ribs turkey burgdoggen, fatback jerky chuck landjaeger corned beef pork t-bone jowl hamburger brisket strip steak. Tenderloin cow bacon cupim t-bone short ribs swine biltong beef ribs capicola sausage beef. Short ribs turkey burgdoggen, fatback jerky chuck landjaeger corned beef pork t-bone jowl hamburger brisket strip steak. Tenderloin cow bacon cupim t-bone short ribs swine biltong beef ribs capicola sausage beef.

An example of an image added inside the wrapper.

Alt text.

An example of a grid added inside the wrapper.

{% set image %}
  {% include '@bolt-elements-image/image.twig' with {
    fill: true,
    attributes: {
      alt: 'Alt text.',
      src: 'path/image-800.jpg',
      srcset: 'path/image-400.jpg 400w, path/image-800.jpg 800w',
      sizes: '96vw',
      width: 800,
      height: 450,
  } only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-wrapper/wrapper.twig' with {
  content: image
} only %}
<div class="e-bolt-wrapper">
  <img alt="Alt text." src="path/image-800.jpg" srcset="path/image-400.jpg 400w, path/image-800.jpg 800w" sizes="96vw" width=800 height=450
  class="e-bolt-image e-bolt-image--fill">