Blockquote Max-Width A CSS Var to override the max-width of the blockquote.
Important Notes: By default, this is set to 44rem.

Default Max Width Blockquote

This is a blockquote component with --c-bolt-blockquote-max-width set to 44rem. Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami rump pork bresaola boudin ball tip venison filet mignon frankfurter short loin pork loin prosciutto t-bone leberkas swine.

400px Max Width Blockquote

This is a blockquote component with --c-bolt-blockquote-max-width set to 400px. Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami rump pork bresaola boudin ball tip venison filet mignon frankfurter short loin pork loin prosciutto t-bone leberkas swine.

100% Max Width Blockquote

This is a blockquote component with --c-bolt-blockquote-max-width set to 100%. Bacon ipsum dolor amet pastrami rump pork bresaola boudin ball tip venison filet mignon frankfurter short loin pork loin prosciutto t-bone leberkas swine.

{% include '@bolt-components-blockquote/blockquote.twig' with {
  content: 'This is a blockquote component.',
  attributes: {
    style: '--c-bolt-blockquote-max-width: 100%;',
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.