Teaser Layout A teaser can be vertical, horizontal, or responsive. Each has a different layout design that accommodates particular use cases.
Important Notes: Vertical or responsive teaser accepts 16:9 aspect ratio signifier. Any other aspect ratio will automatically be cropped to a 16:9 ratio. Horizontal teaser accepts 1:1 (square) aspect ratio signifier. Any other aspect ratio will automatically be cropped to a 1:1 ratio. The above restrictions do not apply to the card variant. Reference the schema for all options.
Alt text.
The signifier is using a 16:9 aspect ratio image. Aliquip sint mollit irure eiusmod duis aliquip duis qui nostrud enim ea aute in enim.
Alt text.
The signifier is using a 1:1 aspect ratio image. Aliquip sint mollit irure eiusmod duis aliquip duis qui nostrud enim ea aute in enim. Do et eiusmod sint velit est do exercitation qui minim.
Alt text.
The signifier is using a 16:9 aspect ratio image. Duis dolore labore cillum excepteur aute veniam dolore consectetur est sint exercitation sit. Dolor eiusmod officia laborum tempor. Enim eiusmod Lorem laboris aliqua dolore.
{% include '@bolt-components-teaser/teaser.twig' with {
  layout: 'horizontal',
  signifier: image,
  headline: {
    text: 'This is the teaser headline',
    link_attributes: {
      href: 'https://www.google.com',
      target: '_blank',
      rel: 'noopener'
} only %}
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