Show Description on Hover The teaser description has the option to be displayed as an overlay above the signifier.
Important Notes: Use the description.show_on_hover prop to render teaser description as an overlay above the signifier. This prop should only be used on vertical and responsive teasers. It does not work with horizontal teasers.
Alt text.
7 pages
Long description. Chicken bacon doner pancetta pork corned beef, swine jowl burgdoggen pastrami buffalo beef ribs shankle. Turducken pork porchetta shankle, salami short ribs corned beef. Short ribs turkey burgdoggen, fatback jerky chuck landjaeger corned beef pork t-bone jowl hamburger brisket strip steak. Tenderloin cow bacon cupim t-bone short ribs swine biltong beef ribs capicola sausage beef.
{% include '@bolt-components-teaser/teaser.twig' with {
  description: {
    content: 'This is the description',
    show_on_hover: true,
} only %}
Not available in plain HTML. Please use Twig.