
teaser video

A Rock Climber
Video duration: 4:26

Lorem reprehenderit aute aliqua duis anim ex ullamco sunt occaecat nostrud ex tempor occaecat in. Ex veniam eu mollit magna.
Image alt.

The signifier of this teaser is showing a play icon and video duration

Lorem reprehenderit aute aliqua duis anim ex ullamco sunt occaecat nostrud ex tempor occaecat in. Ex veniam eu mollit magna.
Image alt.

The signifier of this teaser is showing a play icon and video duration

Lorem reprehenderit aute aliqua duis anim ex ullamco sunt occaecat nostrud ex tempor occaecat in. Ex veniam eu mollit magna.

teaser video card

A Rock Climber
Video duration: 4:26

Lorem reprehenderit aute aliqua duis anim ex ullamco sunt occaecat nostrud ex tempor occaecat in. Ex veniam eu mollit magna.
Image alt.

The signifier of this teaser is showing a play icon and video duration

Lorem reprehenderit aute aliqua duis anim ex ullamco sunt occaecat nostrud ex tempor occaecat in. Ex veniam eu mollit magna.
Image alt.

The signifier of this teaser is showing a play icon and video duration

Lorem reprehenderit aute aliqua duis anim ex ullamco sunt occaecat nostrud ex tempor occaecat in. Ex veniam eu mollit magna.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to small. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to small. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to small. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to small. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to small. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to small. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to medium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to small. The spacing is set to large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Alt text.
This card has an image signifier and a title and a few lines of text. This card has the border radius set to large. The spacing is set to large. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

teaser card bg

Teaser, variant - transparent. The teal color theme is set on the element which wraps the teaser, the teaser inherits color from the ancestor - wrapping element.

Teaser, variant - card. The navy color theme is set on the element which wraps the card variant teaser, the card variant teaser has its own default white color.

Teaser, variant - card. The black color theme is set on the element which wraps the card variant teaser, the default white color can be changed using a theme class on the teaser component. In this example it's yellow.

Gradient use case. A navy gradient is set on the element which wraps the card variant teaser. The card teaser has its own default white background color.

Gradient use case. A navy gradient is set on the element which wraps the card variant teaser. The card teaser has overwritten default white color and the teaser background is a gradient.

Gradient use case. A custom (yellow-wine) gradient is set on the element which wraps the card variant teaser. The card teaser has overwritten default white color and the teaser background has custom gradient as well.

teaser card hover

1. No card variant - there's no rising effect on hover.

2. Card variant. The whole card is clickable. On hover the card rises.

3. Card variant. Here's no whole card clickability. No rising on hover.

4. Card variant. Here's no whole card clickability. Interactive elements in the description, for example links, can be clickable.

5. Card variant. Here's no whole card clickability. No rising on hover. show_on_hover prop is added which makes that the description shows on the dark cover on the image. The link is clickable. This needs improvements in the future because of bad link color on the black cover and some cases can lead to the example number 6.

6. Card variant. Here's no whole card clickability. No rising on hover. show_on_hover prop is added which makes that the description shows on the dark cover on the image. The link here overflows and is not visible because of the CSS clamp.

teaser no aspect ratio

Teasers with no aspect ratio

Vertical teaser with a signifier with no aspect ratio

Horizontal teaser with a signifier with no aspect ratio

Responsive teaser with signifier with no aspect ratio

Teasers with predefined aspect ratio

A teaser with a signifier with predefined aspect ratio

Horizontal teaser with a signifier with predefined aspect ratio

Responsive teaser with a signifier with predefined aspect ratio

Card variant teasers with no aspect ratio

Vertical card variant with signifier with no aspect ratio

Horizontal card variant with signifier with no aspect ratio

Responsive card variant with signifier with no aspect ratio

Card variant teasers with predefined aspect ratio

Vertical card variant with signifier with predefined aspect ratio

Horizontal card variant with signifier with predefined aspect ratio

Responsive card variant with signifier with predefined aspect ratio

teaser full height in layout

layout using halves@from-small template

Alt text.
Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim. Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.

layout using thirds@from-small template

Alt text.
Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim. Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.

layout using tiles@from-small template

Alt text.
Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim. Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.

layout using 67/33@from-small template

Alt text.
Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim. Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.Aliqua voluptate amet do laborum culpa tempor consectetur culpa consectetur ea. Ea officia quis do enim.

teaser valign

Teasers with Vertical Alignment

Vertical Alignment: Start

Vertical Alignment: Center

Vertical Alignment: End